Providing a second opinion for diagnosis and treatment. Many cancer patients who come to Sweden Ghana Medical Centre reach out to us for a second opinion. Oncologists know that cancer can be complicated to diagnose and manage. In West Africa, cancer patients may not have enough treatment options in their countries of origin. Sometimes, their cancer isn’t responding to the treatments they have been receiving. Or patients may be concerned about the effect of delays on their treatment outcomes. At Sweden Ghana Medical Centre, we believe every cancer patient should be confident that he or she is receiving the right care. We offer second opinions to make sure you get more information in a convenient and stress-free way, which will help you be confident about your cancer treatment plan.
How does a second opinion help? When you’re fighting a complicated disease like cancer, you need to understand what the most targeted treatment options are, and which of these are available to you. A second opinion by Sweden Ghana Medical Centre’s team of cancer care experts will give you more information about your diagnosis and treatment options. We evaluate your medical history and conduct wide-ranging diagnostic testing of our own to make treatment recommendations for your type and stage of cancer, as well as your personal needs. With a second opinion, we can help you confirm a current treatment approach, or we may find some additional treatment options for your type and stage of cancer.
Asking the right questions. We offer second opinions to help our cancer patients find cancer care that can result in earlier treatment, with fewer side effects and a better prognosis. When you come to Sweden Ghana Medical Centre, these are the kinds of questions we will answer to help you evaluate your treatment plan:
- What can we learn from your diagnostic testing? We will help you review the information you have received from your diagnostic tests to ensure that it includes: where the cancer started, the size of the tumor, the stage of cancer and whether or not it has metastasized (spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body).
- What treatment options are available for your types and stage of cancer? There are a variety of treatment options available for the many types of cancer. Our Oncology experts will explain the potential benefits of each treatment option to help you understand your alternatives. We will discuss the full range of treatment options, even where Sweden Ghana Medical Centre may not perform a specific kind of treatment. We will then refer you to a specialist in the right field to make sure you get the best treatment plan that works for your situation.
- What side effects should you expect, and how will we help you manage them? Because cancer is such a complicated disease, no two people will have the exact same response to a particular cancer treatment. The side effects that you will experience may vary depending on the type of treatment you are on. Our Oncology team will educate you about potential side effects, and they will explain how the effects can best be managed during your treatment with us. This allows you to plan ahead and choose your treatment alternatives with all of the information you need.
How can we help you balance your cancer treatment with the demands of your normal life? At Sweden Ghana Medical Centre, where our aim is to help take away your cancer burden, we believe your cancer treatment should adapt to your individual needs. Our multidisciplinary medical team will consider all aspects of your life when choosing a treatment plan. Your case coordinator will discuss your family and professional obligations as they make arrangements for your treatment schedule.