Foods that cause gas and bloating

Some foods, no matter how healthy can sometimes result in swelling or accumulation of gas in the belly or abdomen. This condition known as bloating can either be a nuisance or an indication of a more serious condition.In general, eating large quantities of food, eating quickly and intake of fatty and rich foods have been linked to bloating. Today’s post however is looking at temporary bloating caused by some food groups and what replacements are available for such.

Beans Pinto beans and black beans (may be more digestible, especially after soaking) Alternatively, replace beans with grains, meat or quinoa
Lentils Light colored lentils are generally lower in fiber than darker ones, and may therefore cause less bloating.
Carbonated drinks Plain water is always best. Other healthy alternatives include herbal and fruit teas and fruit-flavored still water.
Wheat Gluten-free alternatives to wheat, such as pure oats, quinoa, buckwheat, almond flour and coconut flour.
Cruciferous vegetable family includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, etc. Spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, sweet potatoes and zucchini.
Onions Try using other herbs and spices in your cooking, such as thyme, parsley, chives or basil.
Barley also found in malted drinks and beers Refined barley, like pearl or scotch barley. Replace with other grains or pseudo-cereals like oats, brown rice, quinoa or buckwheat.
Rye (cereal grain that is related to wheat) Replace with other grains or pseudo-cereals like oats, brown rice, quinoa or buckwheat.
Dairy Products People who are lactose intolerant can sometimes handle cream and butter, or fermented dairy like yogurt.

Lactose-free milk products are also available.

Other alternatives to regular milk include coconut, almond, soy or rice milks.

Apples Cooked apples may be easier to digest than fresh ones.

Other fruits, such as bananas, grapefruit, mandarins, oranges or berries, etc.

Garlic Try using other herbs and spices in your cooking, such as thyme, parsley, chives or basil.
Sugar alcohols (used to replace sugar in sugar-free foods and chewing gums). Common types include xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol. Erythritol is also a sugar alcohol, but it is easier on digestion than the ones mentioned above. Stevia is also a healthy alternative to sugar and sugar alcohols.
Beer/ Malt/ Fizzy Drinks Water is always the best beverage, but if you are looking for alcoholic alternatives then red wine, white wine or spirits may cause less bloating.